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Mr 2018 May22

A GP's guide to the big MBS shake-up

GP rebates for post-bronchodilator spirometry tests are set to double after the Federal Government finally accepted calls by the Medicare Review Taskforce to improve the detection of serious resp...

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Mr 2018 May29

Food star ratings are actually fairly accurate, large audit concludes

They’ve come in for some bad press, but health star ratings are actually doing a fairly good job of defining what a nutritious packaged food is, a study reveals. Sydney researchers have found th...

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Mr S01 E01 2018 May18

Chronic Disease Management - Clinical Presentations of Diabetes

What is Insulin? As we know there are three different types of Diabetes whereby each as its own associated mechanisms of development and risk factors. It’s important to firstly consider the rol...

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Mr 2018 May15

HPV vaccine no riskier than placebo, according to largest review yet

HPV vaccination confers no more risk of serious side effects than placebo, say Cochrane reviewers who have condemned scaremongering over the jab. The largest review to date shows the risk of ser...

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Mr 2018 May10 Blog

Two Bs or not two Bs? Why GPs are questioning this year's flu vaccine

GPs are questioning whether elderly patients will have optimal protection from influenza this year given that the virulent B/Brisbane strain is not included in the funded vaccine. The Federal Go...

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ACRRM secures GP remuneration review in 'compact' with government

The deal echoes those agreed in secret by the RACGP and AMA last MayThe Federal Government is promising to review the pay and incentives of rural doctors as part of a 'compact' signed with ACRRM ah...

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